Posted 10.19.22


In our current artist series, we proudly feature the artwork of Guillermo Cuellar.

From Shafer, MN, Guillermo creates beautiful pottery meant to be shared and enjoyed for gatherings at the table.

About his work, Guillermo says, “From the beginning I have been captivated by the sensual flow and rhythm of hands and clay on the spinning potter’s wheel. I am still fascinated by this dialogue and the endless discovery, even in the repeated forming of similar pots. I feel a kinship with the historical sweep of useful pottery making.

The most exquisite beauty can sometimes be found in simple pots made for use. Small variations and accidents make timeless forms individual and unique objects. The best of these pieces go beyond representing a single maker, time, and place and contain the best of human values: family, friends, community, joy, celebration.

I love to make pots that invite handling and use, that suggest participation and enjoyment. In my ideal world we would all have a home full of uplifting, beautiful handmade objects.” – Guillermo Cuellar Minnesota Potters

For more of Guillermo’s work, visit his on-line workshop here. You can visit his workshop in Shafer located at 18855  263rd Street in Shafer, MN 55074
(651) 213-1073

Guillermo is also an active participant in the St. Croix Valley Pottery Tour and the River Valley Potters Fall Studio Sales. We hope you will join us at the table at The Watershed Cafe with Guillermo’s warm and homey pottery.